Sunrise Video Productions teamed up again with Ray Telles Productions and traveled to Mexico this past January to begin a documentary for PBS on the Mexican Revolution. The documentary is being shot on high-definition and will eventually air on PBS. The Sony Hi-Def camera was supplied by PBS affiliate KERA in Dallas. Joe LoMonaco, D.P., Juan Caldera, audio man extraordinaire and producer Ray Telles were in Cuernavaca, Morelos to document men who fought along legendary Mexican Revolutionary leader Emiliano Zapata. The youngest interviewee was 104 and the oldest was 107. Telles wanted to capture these men and their unique stories before it was too late. While recording the history of these men they were also able to capture images of the land that is for the most part very similar to what it looked like in Zapata’s day. Joe LoMonaco said “The images of the beautiful mountain landscapes were truly incredible alongside the beautiful worn faces of these distinguished gentlemen.”